ALLY - $100 With your $100 donation, you become an ally of the 9/11 National Memorial Trail, and stay up-to-date on all news and events.
HERO - $250 Become a Hero of the 9/11 National Memorial Trail with your $250 heroic donation. You will join the Alliance in our mission of continued development in connecting three historic site of our brave American resilience.
PATRIOT - $500 With your $500 donation, you join a special group of patriotic supporters, and aid in laying the groundwork on future advancements on the 9/11 National Memorial Trail.
THE 911 - $911 Your donation will create awareness throughout the communities of the 9/11 National Memorial Trail.
CHAMPION - $1,300 Your generous $1,300 champion donation pledges $1.00 per each of the 1,300 miles of the 9/11 National Memorial Trail. By supporting the Trail's future endeavors, you'll assist in preserving out national treasure for generations to come.
INAUGURAL LIFETIME - $2,000 Your very generous inaugural $2,000 donation supports ongoing efforts to main the Trail and will help preserve this honorable Trail of remembrance for generations to come.
CUSTOM CONTRIBUTION You also have the option to customize your gracious donation to the 9/11 National Memorial Trail. We appreciate your kindness, dedication, and generosity.
ALLY - $100 With your $100 donation, you become an ally of the 9/11 National Memorial Trail, and stay up-to-date on all news and events.
HERO - $250 Become a Hero of the 9/11 National Memorial Trail with your $250 heroic donation. You will join the Alliance in our mission of continued development in connecting three historic site of our brave American resilience.
PATRIOT - $500 With your $500 donation, you join a special group of patriotic supporters, and aid in laying the groundwork on future advancements on the 9/11 National Memorial Trail.
THE 911 - $911 Your donation will create awareness throughout the communities of the 9/11 National Memorial Trail.
CHAMPION - $1,300 Your generous $1,300 champion donation pledges $1.00 per each of the 1,300 miles of the 9/11 National Memorial Trail. By supporting the Trail's future endeavors, you'll assist in preserving out national treasure for generations to come.
INAUGURAL LIFETIME - $2,000 Your very generous inaugural $2,000 donation supports ongoing efforts to main the Trail and will help preserve this honorable Trail of remembrance for generations to come.
CUSTOM CONTRIBUTION You also have the option to customize your gracious donation to the 9/11 National Memorial Trail. We appreciate your kindness, dedication, and generosity.
Your gift to the nonprofit September 11th National Memorial Trail Alliance ensures that we continue to develop this unique national resource as a celebration of resilience and freedom and community for generations to come.
Your donation through Paypal is secure and tax-deductible
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Additional Ways to Support the Trail:
Your IRA. If you have an IRA and are 70.5 years or older, you may be eligible to donate up to $100,000 tax-free, directly from your IRA to a qualified charity such as the September 11th National Memorial Trail Alliance. This direct transfer will be allocated toward satisfying your Required Minimum Distribution. A Qualified Charitable Distribution is excluded from your taxable income and is a direct benefit to the charity of your choice. To learn more, contact your IRA administrator about a direct distribution to the September 11th National Memorial Trail Alliance.
Stock Donation. Additional tax benefits are available by donating long-term appreciated stock. You can donate long-term appreciated securities, like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, directly to the September 11th National Memorial Trail Alliance through our investment account. Doing so will result in a larger donation to us while eliminating your related capital gains tax. Consider donating your stock through our 911 Fidelity Investment Account (account #Z73-070858; DTC: 0226). Contact your financial advisor to get started.
Via mail. If you prefer not to make donations online, you can download this form and send your donation by U.S. mail (address on form).
Stock Donation. Additional tax benefits are available by donating long-term appreciated stock. You can donate long-term appreciated securities, like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, directly to the September 11th National Memorial Trail Alliance through our investment account. Doing so will result in a larger donation to us while eliminating your related capital gains tax. Consider donating your stock through our 911 Fidelity Investment Account (account #Z73-070858; DTC: 0226). Contact your financial advisor to get started.
Via mail. If you prefer not to make donations online, you can download this form and send your donation by U.S. mail (address on form).